Set in Motion : Pre-Alpha 0.5.1

It’s been a year since I began this project. When I first started, I did not know what I wanted the project to become. After 8 months of experimentation, I present to you the foundations of Hand Eternal.
What is Hand Eternal?
The vision for Hand Eternal is that of a fast-paced first-person adventure through a colorful and dark fantasy world. Quite plainly, the player move-set is inspired by the gameplay of Mirror’s Edge and Ghostrunner, and the art style is inspired by Majora’s Mask. The gameplay and story will be linear, but the world itself will be interconnected, similar to the world design of old-school 3D Zelda.
Encapsulating the vision is the main character himself – The Wingless Owl!

In-Game Model
Powerful, Versatile
Initial Character Design
Rough, Insect-Adjacent

Roots of the Wingless Owl
The Wingless Owl is in the lineage of the Four Thousand Hands, and is the living champion of the Godplant. He is the next healer-warrior seeking to end the Age of The Trembling Sun. In one of the last stronghold cities, every 32 years a new child is trained from birth and sent on pilgrimage to enter into the Garden of Mazra through the Astral Gate.

With a lifetime of training, the Wingless Owl is exceedingly strong and agile. The Four Thousand Hands must train to be physically adept, being able to climb, dash, swing, and wall-run without tiring in order to traverse the Garden of Mazra. To augment his training, the gemstone runes across his body allow him to accumulate raw energy. In fact, the more The Wingless Owl dashes and hits objects without stopping, the faster and farther he can move.

Where Are We Going?
Expect to see enemies and the interior of the Astral Hub in the next major update.
Determining and executing the style of the tutorial badlands proved to be a fun and challenging learning experience. I hope you will stay a while and see how the world of Hand Eternal develops!
Community Wanted
With all that being said, I encourage you to join the Hand Eternal Discord and to critique the latest demo! Engagement is growth, and Hand Eternal will only be possible through cultivating an awesome community. Engage, share, critique, and believe in the myth of Hand Eternal!
How You Can Help
Want to help? Join the Kickstart Alert to be the first to know when Hand Eternal is campaigning on Kickstarter.
Also, downloading and testing the build is very helpful! Critique of the movement system and bug finding is appreciated.
Developer’s Mementos
To conclude, I’d like to share a small collection of images and screenshots from this period of development that I personally like for one reason or another.